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Photo credit: Esther Joly


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Pilates methode is a soft but deep gymnastic with combine a deep respiration technique with physical exercices.

Created in early 20th by Joseph Pilates, it's been acclaimed first by dancers, circus artists and other performers. Nowadays it's been developed and democratized : the méthode is now practiced by very varied people, and it's particularly recommended for people with back pain.


Cindy teaches "mathwork" exercices, which means we practice on the mat. Often focused of core work et pelvis stabilisation, those exercise allow to develop a deep and harmonious musculature, without any sudden movement. Sessions can evolve with many accessories : magic circle, teraband, swissball, ...


Pilates methode is useful for everyone : from the high-level athlete to the one who would like to body-build in a soft way.

Without being breathless, you work on deep muscles, improve your posture and your articular mobility.

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